Expat Argentina Life

The State of Argentina Apartment Photography

Sites like AirBnB and Trulia have conditioned us Americans to expect nothing but amazing apartment photography.

Crystal clear and shining photos that make you want to stay at that apartment regardless of the price.

Sifting through the search results on those sites produces excellent photo after excellent photo. Each with their wide lens, perfect lighting, and high appeal.

The apartments are always clean and orderly. Showing off the best side of the place and enticing visitors to want to stay there.

To demonstrate here is a small sample set of photos off of AirBnB for San Francisco apartments.

Sites like AirBnB and Trulia have conditioned us Americans to expect nothing but amazing apartment photography.

Crystal clear and shining photos that make you want to stay at that apartment regardless of the price.

Sifting through the search results on those sites produces excellent photo after excellent photo. Each with their wide lens, perfect lighting, and high appeal.

The apartments are always clean and orderly. Showing off the best side of the place and enticing visitors to want to stay there.

To demonstrate here is a small sample set of photos off of AirBnB for San Francisco apartments.

See what I mean? Looks nice.

Given the quality of photos I’m used to, when browsing the online classified ads searching for an apartment in Córdoba, Argentina my emotions run the range from wonder to surprise to pain as I laugh uncontrollably hard! The state of Argentina apartment photography is not good.

Argentina has not yet caught onto the trend of high quality photos in the apartment advertisements.

I understand. These cameras are expensive, especially here where import taxes jacks up the overall price by 50%. So not everyone has access to a DSLR camera. But I still think you can take decent photos with a smart phone or a point and shoot camera.

What is lacking in this culture’s apartment photos is basic common sense. The photos are meant to show the apartment in a positive light however many that are posted are either hideous or downright hilarious.

Here is a small sample so you can understand what I’m talking about. These photos were all downloaded off of the classified ads at LaVoz.

Here is the balcony. Pay no attention to my finger.

Are they trying to suggest that this woman watching TV comes with the apartment?

I’m gonna file this apartment under “Not quite ready yet”.

Hurry up and move in so you can write your name in the concrete before it dries.

Anyways many of the pictures are very normal but the overall quality is pretty low and every once in a while a pure gem is sprinkled in.

Now to get back to apartment hunting! Cheers!

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