A few years back my wife and I started looking for apartments that we wanted to buy in C贸rdoba, Argentina. I found one online that looked rather promising in a brand new building and arranged a visit. I showed up to the apartment building and to my surprise there was the real estate agent already […]
Category: Expat Argentina Life
A lot of people like to know about the differences between life in the United States vs. life in Argentina. Sure there are small things like bags of milk and grown men eating ice creams alone. But after a short while you get used to those things. In this post I’ll share a few differences […]
Awhile ago I bought a car here in C贸rdoba, Argentina. Naturally my first question was – do I need an Argentine driver’s license? I have a valid driver’s license from California so all information I got after researching was that the answer was no. The California one is good. This suspicion was confirmed on a […]
In 2013 I first moved to Cordoba, Argentina from San Francisco in the United States to live with my girlfriend at the time (now wife).聽 There is so much anticipation and excitement that goes into moving to a foreign city and country that I remember doing as much research as I could to get as […]
My wife often reminds me that we’re living in a third world country in Argentina. But in all honesty, it doesn’t feel that way to me. We have high-quality food that’s completely accessible. There are modern amenities. Besides comically horrible wax napkins and the buzz of espa帽ol, same days I think C贸rdoba could be just […]
One of my passions is the sport of lacrosse. I played in college and I continue to coach lacrosse goalies through my website Lax Goalie Rat. Unfortunately, the city of C贸rdoba does not have lacrosse. The sport has been growing in Latin American countries and the city of Buenos Aires actually has a pretty solid […]
“How do I get residency in Argentina?” That’s a typical question among expats here who are sick of making a run for the border or extending聽their tourist visa. I recently got married to a wonderful Argentine woman and I wanted to share my process of getting permanent residency in case others are trying to follow […]
After living in C贸rdoba, Argentina for over a year I’ve put together a list of 10 things you never (or rarely) see in the United States that all but commonplace here in聽La Docta. 1. A grown-ass man eating an ice cream solo A little bit of backstory: the ice cream in Argentina is delicious. Each […]
A major intrigue of living abroad is that activities that are routine and boring back home are now exciting and new. Like getting to watch The Wire all over again for the very first time. Back in San Francisco, going to the gym, going to the supermarket, or going to the post office are all […]
How much do things cost in C贸rdoba? When I was first planning to move here, “how much does it cost” was probably the thing that I researched the hardest. Even after all the research I was left a little dumbfounded as determining the cost of living is such a personal thing that it’s hard to […]